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What's new in May?

Discover all the exciting developments made throughout May to make Fluid even better for organisations, ultimately leading to improved project outcomes and increased productivity.
June 5, 2023
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What's new in May?

Discover all the exciting developments made throughout May to make Fluid even better for organisations, ultimately leading to improved project outcomes and increased productivity.

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10 alternatives to Scoro for optimising project management

We're exploring 10 alternatives to the well-known name Scoro that can help boost productivity and maximise efficiency. Take a read of what solutions might be best for you and why.
June 1, 2023
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10 alternatives to Scoro for optimising project management

We're exploring 10 alternatives to the well-known name Scoro that can help boost productivity and maximise efficiency. Take a read of what solutions might be best for you and why.

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What is agile PPM?

We explore the dynamic and adaptive approach of the Agile methodology and its take on PPM. Learn the key principles of the Agile methodology and its benefits, including efficiency and driving success to a project portfolio.
May 30, 2023
min read

What is agile PPM?

We explore the dynamic and adaptive approach of the Agile methodology and its take on PPM. Learn the key principles of the Agile methodology and its benefits, including efficiency and driving success to a project portfolio.

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The challenges of resource capacity planning

Resource capacity planning plays a crucial role in project management, enabling organisations to effectively allocate and utilise their resources. However, this process is not without its challenges.
May 26, 2023
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The challenges of resource capacity planning

Resource capacity planning plays a crucial role in project management, enabling organisations to effectively allocate and utilise their resources. However, this process is not without its challenges.

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8 Tips to maximise team efficiency with PPM software

We know it’s important to boost the efficiency of a team. Not only does an efficiency maximise productivity of the team, it also helps the whole team collaborate more effectively. We’re sharing our 8 top tips for using PPM software to maximise efficiency for the whole team.
May 24, 2023
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8 Tips to maximise team efficiency with PPM software

We know it’s important to boost the efficiency of a team. Not only does an efficiency maximise productivity of the team, it also helps the whole team collaborate more effectively. We’re sharing our 8 top tips for using PPM software to maximise efficiency for the whole team.

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Introduction to Portfolio Risk Management

We step into the world of Portfolio Risk Management to understand its importance and some practical steps you can take to get started. We also take a look at how PPM software helps with effective Portfolio Risk Management.
May 22, 2023
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Introduction to Portfolio Risk Management

We step into the world of Portfolio Risk Management to understand its importance and some practical steps you can take to get started. We also take a look at how PPM software helps with effective Portfolio Risk Management.

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The PM's guide to Portfolio Management

Welcome to the comprehensive guide for project managers seeking to navigate the world of portfolio management. This guide is a great introduction into portfolio management and how to begin adopting a more strategic outlook on projects.
May 19, 2023
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The PM's guide to Portfolio Management

Welcome to the comprehensive guide for project managers seeking to navigate the world of portfolio management. This guide is a great introduction into portfolio management and how to begin adopting a more strategic outlook on projects.

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PPM Benefits Realisation and Portfolio Value Management

In this article, we explore benefits realisation and portfolio value management, and what this means in effective project portfolio management (PPM). Learn the important role that these two crucial areas play in successful PPM.
May 17, 2023
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PPM Benefits Realisation and Portfolio Value Management

In this article, we explore benefits realisation and portfolio value management, and what this means in effective project portfolio management (PPM). Learn the important role that these two crucial areas play in successful PPM.

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Why you should use PPM solutions

There are many PPM solutions available which can help your organisation to manage its project portfolio more effectively. In this article we delve into the importance of using PPM and the key benefits of PPM solution.
May 15, 2023
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Why you should use PPM solutions

There are many PPM solutions available which can help your organisation to manage its project portfolio more effectively. In this article we delve into the importance of using PPM and the key benefits of PPM solution.

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